Expansion Vessels
Vessels for cold-water applications are long-life and ideally suited for controlling the pressure in domestic as well as industrial applications. Providing potable water at a pre-defined pressure.
The purpose of an expansion tank is to compensate for the variation in the volume of water caused by a change in temperature within the heating system.
Flowthru Expansion Vessels
Flowthru range of tanks are ideally suited for systems where the stored water in the tank is not circulated due to a maintained level of pressure in the system.
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For most people in the UK having running clean water is taken for granted. Water companies are constantly under pressure from authorities to reduce their leakage figures. One of the ways of doing this is to reduce the supply pressure in the system. If there is less pressure, then there is less leakage. This means water pressure is subject to fluctuations and varying demand from buildings on the same mains water network. As such the demand for boosting water pressure is growing considerably in the UK in recent years.
With the introduction of mains fed appliances like combination boilers, unvented cylinders and electric showers, the importance of the main supply for both pressure and flow rate, is paramount. Knowing that you need a pressure booster is the easy bit, knowing exactly which booster set you need is a more complex.
To choose a pump set it is important to have two basic items of information:
- How much water flow is required?
- What pressure is required at the highest outlet?
Our teams can design and manufacture a custom solution to suit your project requirements. Contact our sales team today on 0333 200 1756 or info@flowtech.org.uk.